The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

I PROFESSIONAL Mt DICAL JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS I Ci'P. To pcranne rrildlnt out nf tl MEDICAL HOUSE, 82 rn-tomliOHUa alr-Ml, Pnval atrerta POIl THK CTTilli of ma MmrtmiAL. cyi-hilii nCd all COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I rtly, SOUTH EH MKIHOaL INPIRMAHY, No. ItE rwrnmli'let K'tMl.

Dlf KAMCS, within aifunij, ninirantif iioru tnslntm. Illlt 1 Plln rnnnnlnail In .11 ISOTK- KVKN i KK.V YKR pertntticntly A MALLET, Watchmaker. Fine Watehci, Jewelry nod Ktlvrr-ware. personal ntteri'ien tlrwti IMALON'ft OtlKMICAL Altt IHTftWRATOl. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, THE WrBSCRtBER HAM IN FTOHF, AKO TO ARRIV.

THK ENSUING MONTH, THE FOLLOWING AKTICI.BB, WtncH HF CAN 8K1X AT iVORTIIERX JOBBING PRICES ADDTNO MXPtNPn OP TRANSPORTATION, Till 1 "he iiieoe-i which lm- aKcn'lt in-. teerllre in all naita at the rjnliaa Iiocirnn in new in ieina, nninini'd nn me uu varied mere ef mir iwutl-r iva oni nf treat to lite icpainng I wfioB ami 11 iiamp a nwt, t5 L. MANN A KorwnrdlnffMid Cnm- I Mnrrk nU, fVahr In all hinds of Leather, UuirXrTM- Tallow. Wool. JatMwW.RiimM.Ar..

No. Graver afreet, novl I Iti? Syfbllllic and Mr.rmHI eeitMi, In all! TVLLON I10VKL. Munulactumra an wriMn were or- ttoitneed )bm I .1 I oy mo nwn oir.ineni imj aidant. 1i by tba molt atrJuent h)aiclant, ri I a I a trllei ifca kind a Vftira, m.i" J.

tnacoBnaenoe of the in- the IHnaara of the Skin, of Ihe nplne. KphlHH' tc. Pt.nwn an 1 r'-ml In n.wr.l I Ir attnrnt n( iwhui to tka ibtlr. Il hal sra I nl the dlxoalca termed BOO ART, FOLKV AVhltk. Uiiion fwrtors an! Commission Mere a to, Me, I APertliiiia, Imrxdenry, and ince tlmt del'1, imurr inn i -hjih iivii wnn nswi; wt- Will uiH.ila,..n of Dr.

1 C. THOMSON, wlm, kpepinx pace rmnicaiee. nal I wllb ami ptltlliiffln pnrllm the vttt dlaeovei lea In neiHril tyl Kyi.litll primary, and lerlfn.y, Mirlrtnrea. I nr nuniat oi.iinlll It hntatttlned 'niMi n. xlTr BEKRHKKfiA SPRINGS, GRUNDY Tlit.

tfummpr a.Mrt, AIoKKNNA A HlhiAKD, Cote Pectors and OomtnlMloa No. tires. Bovll I the esipnilp i retrb-tv It now i nlova. and whirn liC it on i PNHniicii Ian itanoing with any atn.llr Is this ihi-; iy be, Dlieat.a of the Bark and 'l in. InAammnl.ia of ninntryot In KuiO.

I the Bld.l.ler and El.lneyt, HlirninttUm Hdrocolt. Oaneen. a n. block. I inoa-per-ono aaon va nrrirturee, nymnn.iw Qlcrin, Turn ore and all dlaeaae- Skip, I ondary ftTnhilftt.

(raU'kiF ln al nlrtit. OVe 1. Uleera Hi Ihe nr. TSaUOIC, OOSSELIN A Wootorn riadutn end Ooaawdesiea, Meeohawte, No. Pnydraa l.r (a Mi WlfiBVIIIC.

vh'IW lOvd fhri Will Bf I Threat. Ora. whoeuflrr ff the Immodeialr nte rtM priVilpy and Improperly lnjaffd ib- m-rlvm of Mprmry.oi tnn nr. cl cu. nalelv call on u.

when, we In rrtl1r.i laka inHiiftn, wawaiataiy vftom orr ttnod thlH iwn'y In thin rotinirr, and nanv huttdii of tmit.ti bcu ahl- to oomp-ta wit i. for kplnj th brad ela fro "1 PHALON'8 f0Tflf(( OR rwJBAfc atUPTIHKB. eonmatlfl for he tht Skla and Com-ptfilo and rarcartBir CTiapord Hand. Ala, for the Tth. Brroth, Pare, Upa.

Ta, Bonbant, freckle Phnpiea, apalda, Ihi A aura and afa cam fur lio Piles i cna waihlnit will fn tanl ri Kef. Aftar It I wry aoothlnf to the ahln. ft keen- the hmda At4 IW I.Hnnim it Inn nf lhi akin It will CLEAVELANI, ItRO'S A Cotton radon andCoentabMioo MercbaBtt, No, IS Vale street, fB OtelrB. TlH ttait roM IVm HrWiniirHIt to tht bi the monnlatB (Hlhtfrp tnllin) hai tcn n( fn fine orilr, and Ilia Moantalu p-rmp" rrin-i ini-y win uei ie, wm nij mind, iiiilltt luff llirm for either btmtupM or not li ly, vim 1 ronvli.rethrmetto ourprotirirnry. DeMllty ar y.

Ibo fellowli'V ir ToatMi.te?rBrlrBUl1sarrirlnirta ha atid In Heed Bmn cl.vU I-roilnred bvVrli of BirdWI I eatHMlthmnnioniTa many eiinvonli-ncei, hablls of youth, vli i aknre Of Back anl I.lmbi, Pata 1 l. It road iraapd aim mmi- rrj vi.imr. imiIi. Houih nmy rr HrMlitfiTltl hr rai1m1 'i they rind riifltf ult to (norure elwhere, bring only a eclnlly anni.trd for nt1aMy. cnialulna pri- all itowaTi HomnbU, dlttaac of CM.

HARVEY A Commiwion and sstl Perwnrdlng Merchant, No. to Ueloa it reel. anvil I rate hrmt, but alto nil tht- nnernaan nvdli Ini-a. nnd dreanlnff abonl la hmidrfH ana ilS miic. Tbr Until and manr th Cabim ar Kw, and all art far-tlltthad with Mitlmljr ww and aprtopilato lumitai.

Then an 1 liadnn the apot, having always on hand I Jtit.RiKp.n or BuBdnjrPt, iHk end rot tun ayrlngca, for mulo leinale. eiits tun nrwier i Hour ee Hiitl Calliptem.etrak'lil andruived, BROWN A Cotton Factors tad Commission Merchant, Nis SR Camp atre.L norti I allver. -leet and eliatir i Mo I rill a fiirina W.lnr. f. fn a rot Oiirnc at in pir.

Tbf rpjtiillon of IM iiar III mirh that It ncfdM mty lm I Ali Hole proprietorship ol Dr. Lt-K' calubiaUd Prtfiirh Medlclnea. CAM MACK, SQUIKRS A WEST, Cotton PsctSTB and Gtxruaiiloa Merchant, No, 44 Oarondelcl tin 10 inraw iiaxHBi'ii wini mm iur atid nVc i-orry, In mountain all, pure hly- bata md iFw cnr wtr. It caitnol ti amiiaiiad bjr Pall ntt fearing detection, nr nnt haelne tha farilitlea alaa- SWeet. Boris fetind to br rat nmtdy.

1'ilca wall and 1 pci betua. I Iwtiere, oui iaup inFironce (H aaedirino tbeoiltre. The nH.ce in open from Ilk. tn e. tn whlrh vuAwna ThlmtM'triaoivntd l.yMr.

John ArmnV'tf, wtio uni1rJ alarxe antonni nf moiiy to makr iw thlnf a o4 It attrartlT (omfcH bl. anrt the pi opt I Mart Will aBaro I nonrt Tuereapient ptiyalolan rn a 'ways i-ontullert, apply- II caaei OltABRIA MQCOIIICb IB do. nOOPRR8 IBI NOLABS, 1 Aa, iNDioa barreli CAtrrOM OIL. bega BALTPBTRB. IM As.

MI-OANBONATI SODA. Ut harrali BPSOK SALTS, prmnda stro. LRAD, II barrel" BLACK LB AD Geman. II do do. do, Americas.

raeee BHITIfH LUSTRE. Barrals ALUM. do. do. OroiaA.

II do. JAMAICA Ol tORS-Reel, 1W pound) da. do, Powdare. 1M saga BACK OINORB. II barreli do.

Powdered, Pare. froee SRIDUTI POWDER do. BOP A do. SM poondi ROCmiLl.I ALT. balaa LIQtTOBICB ROOT.


do, Preoch. do. do, ICnfllfth. do, Srr.PHATB 1IOUPKINB, I do. A CRT ATI its, do, HUM I ATM do.

im poanda IOI. P01 A9S Bngllak, IM do. do. Americas, do, do. Preach, SM do.

CAIMKLtncll-h. Ml do. de. AtMriraa. OLEMAN, PutnAtn A Cotton Factors and QaaABtissisn Mirvbtili, Ma Vniem afreet.

aovll I Ins lila nitentlm eirlii-lvcly to nllli-e nrarllpe. Traelrra. I wlioie time la limited, tiippll'A With nil n-'Mmary im-dlclne BO p-nnn or i anar 10 wn nonin, i tn i an -p and it piompt mra warrantoit, ItCKHrdli Dr. I('R Mpdlr lnca. hai lml few vemalk.

imrlc br (In- tmm-tni Rratultoiwlv. A nwd Bnw.tnf I to make, ihel, Itli ary being ho nnlvcraulU known for th loiilill'itifil forth am I raiaoi Veneieal A fleet lout, Tlipy I eve now ha a unltl by th rit-M. 0wt mt hTt htn Ugr' 0B" Pnlpliallon at the Heart, Utppppia, Nervoiwi rn, IrrHat llily of Comnnuption, etc. MenUII), (ha furful rrtvt ts on tin-mind ire More to In drt'mleil. Lo of Memory, Con-fmloii of Idea, Derfw-on of Bptrllt.

Ktll Porvtodlt.e, Arer alnn tn Horlnty, Sell -Dint mat, Lova Of belli ude, Tlmldiry, (tc, are of Iho rvlla prodnrnd. AH pertiiuii aflllcleil with any rf the atS" Mrrnptnm the tile) not Ih.II (o mil on Dr. Jamea and be nl onrv iTKlorod to perfect he.ilth pt no faie delirnry pri'vent jm, hut apply at oare, mid lave onn-clf fi-om tba awful and d'eadlMi tMmw-qucBroi ol ihlaterrlbkmaUdy. Wcakneaa of tba orgtns Iniatcdtately cured, and fall vlgst rrtdirfd, llrmembcr, "The Medical Hoatw of Dr. Jama" Is II Caa.

tonitioimnHtrcnt, P. I'artimi reldlng out of the city, or cannot ltll ml pereonally, i.y Hiving nartlcu an oi iilneaae, In loner, aad pb-iloatnga feeot f-tn ar, will bvs ie melle-or dil-rtae -enttn llietr ad Irrei, enHo-ed In a am! I por-kae and t-ourralrd from oIm rvno. No communlTd' lou uoi Icei Bt-leaa Mccompanj log lha lea, aa lbs aumvriruj conHpos leato of lha Doctor forbid. Couiullaliani bi.ld atrtrtty eonfldentlal, A-tdrot DR. AM KM' Mod il Houte, Cp34'a4 lydAW Bfl Cawtomlioute utrret New OrlmBl, DE ROWS RKVIKW To the people of iheHiaVt'llOLOINO KTATBR vaihlngton, D.

Aug. II, 16. -The niidi'ielgued Mpmbers Cungreea fium th Hoiilhcrn Matee n-gerd the won ol Mr. Bt aa otuineni. I) I'ondHMlecto Ihe developemmt of the reeourrre of thooa Statca, and lo tbc eapoetiktn lbs working of tlielr tlea of iwillty, 'Mil review In during ten yens 1 bo red alduouly la ttift fluid, and sealon-dy ndvncuted and eOnuilatt'd every movement lonklnc lo the KrowlH and pi Rre' of tlmt rrrak aiAuiu im vtk.

One I I e-eif b'-nt Bat ural dyci tn Urn world. Ill lorn naa ha vraveil It tobeb)oad ernm rioo and, beliiK a exctble prodac Hon no Injury can (until, b- dona to the akin. It la ca-lly applied, and fin ran obtain a bltcfc or brown, wh rm will defy the bait )dxea to tell It from natnra tulf. Prlci 1 and 1 pt boa. Made an.iioldby K.

PIaIX)N. I and tt'cateiB roiimilee. for t.ia lat th rteen tare, and nlwy BAOIB WILUAMB, J. NtlKLlT WILLIAMS, M. WILLIAMS A Cotton Factor taxi OomnUoa No.

Uuloa atresr. BOVll FB. ERNESf Cotton Factors and a OmntBltmioH lt rhii)i. Ho. fil Palon strett, novl FEARN, JONK(fAN A Cotton Ft lan wd OeanmlMleo Mai chant Mo.

16 Cexcfldetat iitraat. I with tha most allfa toiy rTn)l. Itie It "flerfd an liifallii h- and monml cure for all Uretliral a- HUblloK will al-o bt provided Ua V'mmf wo nit Willi thorn their nas wilt tw ftirBUhM. Iordert, P.irh aiOrinoiThwa, Ma.m die Mrlrtnrea, rln In the KMnoyi, Wi.Iip Id frmitlri, (I and Hie Ami- I uphill tic marine in Ivi-raaliy n-i-d for nil O. Kyphl I life and IwVr urlal dlat'aaia, Itlotrhei on Ihe akin, Ac, Ac, Burl I rtipae iiiPdtQinaN oceuiy but a nnml! tin ce.

aie tint nxut-ou. nil ai oadwev. psU.v IV, Jl'REY A Cotton Fac- KIM pnnnda ACID, TARTARIC. IM do. do, CUBIC, i IM do.

aV, ACE 11C. AM onaees da, BKNEOIO. I berrtla BALAAM OopAIBA. MM povBda BL1TI rjaaai RBPINED BORAX. barrets CKRAM TANTAB Para.

1MB pounds CATRNNE PEPPER AM con. IM do. ARBAPtRliUA-Ia eaas. II brrreli TAPIOCA. II (mesa SAOO.

kfi TAMARIND 4 aaaes OLM MYRKH Turkey, IM ponnde OfM OPIUM do. II barrali OCM CAMPHOR, II eaeaa OUM A ABIC A aeort ad. tM pounds POWDERED IPRTAO. SMI do. do.


oaaka AMERICAN do. oanret MURK. poanda NtTX VOMICA, lei oanraa OTTO ROBE Pui. 1 bale COCHINEAL, Ml pounds PERUVIAN BAB Red, 1MI do do, do. Yellow, cans OIL BE RO A MOT.



OIL WINI KHORESM Para, i do. OIL CINNAMON. 3M potrndj OIL CLOVEB. barrali LINRRl OIL. SI do.


DKMAH do. -II do. JAPAN do, do. IJIATDEB do. lona WKPl IJUD-In OIL II do.


I do. LAMP BLACK, 9t kega RED LEAD, do. LITIIAHOE. 1 lX'TJZ "dJirow of hMln, Rt. KUholM Hotel, New ok, and nl UruaKltH aiid PBBOjr 1 tAABL X1 I and can be taken without any restrict Inns aa to builui'M, or eapt'ejiBni fhey coiita no merrury.

A TTiMtlee oa Rtrlcturoa. HiHTmnlotTha. Onanlam. Ac. will bio ra tnrotisnoai ine unrn miw.

nr.v net cahi.ia or rotacpt for thm lain ITi'ii I ar eeui grai ta io any pari oi ine I'aion, the Ketr of thf Cualom be he only I flown ernt lemon hr alrt-adr LOWES Cotton Factara thor bhii rnfr'. 'ra' Um, V. 1KIIBIM1II, Plivulrlna anil urioB, Cordial nin 1MPOKTKII and aol In hot let all othera I t.lJ ritimiuM H4-l'HJ' OnnnlwIM MtiYli.nt,, UK Common Hpcl. bo.ii re nox one nilatut-e made hare In I ml ion A I Sonthera Mndlrnl offlre. No.

1 (a fWandi-let atn M. be- It adPllciont tonir neearar "JM" I i iwein royares and He via, Sign ol tut' aurb a BUIuIp, dtlTrent front oinor fin; on t-i-ht "crni VJ frltt'rV of Nxnill Dr.Hardiiif, of l.onlln.a, an.l Jm, BldN of Batherford county, to all of whom wi- aru at llbuity wl I maa for the rf reptlofi nf Tl-Hora tn thn GW. MTJPK CO Commlwdon and Fpr- wrUntH.rti)HI,&dSIMaibMI Aeili Mm iIthl 0 MM It. It I aooit'fo WPin r-' lia. Owl, Rhelimelltm, Dropa, flrBTel, t'o le, Oholero, I rron.l irue.

Sirictnrr. lltaeaaea of tin Urinary Urgana, I CARRIAGES, BCGIES ANO ILVU- tvt of June, and Ha rti'lre muiaCvmoBt will dol a rtlou of the i ountry. ha otrertdy arqulied it rcputatloa tor ai tlliv a daccuia-y BBturpaaacd by a.f ilmllar Jounial In tlio country. The underlcnedt believing that great coed will ha acre, ptlaliotl by an rlrcu ation of a work ol tbla rbaro Mr. I mr rtf i or two ran a i vi pr.

Va enllM Mott, of Raw Toik, la Ifttir lha praptla 1 ftrf. Ky. IVKN. WATTH A Grnenil Com- tar aayat Prif-ra, par day, par wck am! rr mnt. drruaaMl Mi Taut kif.pilc.

he ratra t-harja for flrra or en ii-mx, api io iurir mcno in ria 1 It will rarrlvn nui nnlv lha an nort nf everv Houtbi tW Co. dial Ola II the pntvit. but, tad tllabl KKtrect of Juniper 1 hart over all rtlli planter, but of all I nl "111 aunt H-adore, who with to fcanwr wliut the Niiuth now (a. and what aho la ana Liu. nude.

wlt I IIAHI.rJt' IJIND C0HDIAI, HIM la --Id by Drag- AddraM. mall 7 jamm P. pou ro 1 11. iluitpfl Hlatet. end an lino aie uu EO.

SWEDES Cotton factors liollcy, of becoming! mtrooa nniaona railed London Cordial tin" to avoid them I nrnrraBpnn.Tw, kn nnl I MAUI Kit' Rt'lect UBJ Olhr Olfel'! JOU at rou vai ua yur bet lib. Plica oue 1aIlf for Oviila I Cotton Factors and HI i Witllxm We alto re ar fa C. eii. nnssFA.LY. Com, UuIob at aet aadli.

L. Soodrich. luo. Cuminou forptnta. I DHUSD t'.

CHAHT.BV marjt IWidAW Soft Imporier, 4 Broa I way, M. T. R. M. T.

RtiBtor.Ya. Ben. Pile a'rtck. A. P.

Ruiler.R. C. W. K. KebatUo, Ark.

Alfred IvereoB, Oeo. D. Yulr-, ft 0. Clay, Ala. Thcn a.

J. Eu.k,T;a'. REPRFRENTAT1VIW. Thos. P.

Bowls, Md, Ell Hhorfor, 14. J. P. POW ft CO. MX REA-ONR WHY KYKBYMOUY Vl I.TON'R I 8KAMAN A Commiwton and WWtara rmdtm MrrehUta, fofdrai Hied.

H. AIIIAIRON, Ut. It tne rneape.i ptearauon da. BLUE MASS PngHtb. IM do, do.

Americas. Ml do. CHLOROFORM. otweea NITKATK SILVER. do.



poun lo MR'UBLIMRD I0DINR. do. IRON BY HYDROGEN. im do. tamtar BMtrric 1M reimiSAND PAP-tU-AMortst, Ma do, LKl'TUBilo, do.

loo do, CAP do. do. 1MB do, Did'OOISTS' WRAPPIN PAPUt-AlMrltd. duaoB WRITIN8 INK. SANIS' SARSAl'ARILLA For the rr mnl ami nrri.tatiant rnrr of all rlleaaa ItrllttlK from J.

A. A. man, fhr the ha aver mdt. ij. I It pronounced ny uu 10 iff Vml II.

flHal Rrf. Ilia tha not! Ac. eebla to Via. 41 1 1 A. S'ewarr.

J. Le'tlicr. P.mlm Powell, Va. hi, rtSFPH MALLFTT. CommiNHion.

RnceiT- It il t'ie CI enoit and tuoet Ctiefully Prenard. Ilh. It lithe I M. H. Pen ix AN IMI-OKli St'ATK UP THK BI.OHD, UK HABIT OP THK HTMitM.vlil 1 II.

H. Ho inoal Hlclilv Perfumii t. 'h. II la onl a. ticl that never I In awl Pa-wnrtflnir Mrehlii, OauaraJ BtK.mtwat Vrofala.arliroa'a PH.

run Hum, OImi Inale C'ltaneow A. Kdmumiana. flitt'iclTp Kill I re RttlofairM n. Ilia luim-ime aala of lha I No. II 1 IV Til HllW.

Krupllona. If rnnifi, mi mr tm-r m-m-nvm. ATNAI HON nettl l.ate.oaa boltlea yp atteet lm OM-eiit n-'i- and unlveieal Dnuulaillr, He'd by dca era er- At Ilea Tlr, T. O. David MB, Oeo, En tit, H.

Burnett, R. Mrtalf, N. ft John V. M'rlht. M.

HAVAGK A General rrodnofl inmrlpB Palkosr, Wm. emlth, 1 John S. C.akle. 1 brumal lUn, WnrreB Wlnnlow, wh-rr, Inr tl rta. i bottle.

HICT4. WVMKUOl' A Tn I prieio.a an i renumare, o. wj aaioariy airaet, new ioi k. KNNETT, IIX A Cominiwion Janiai L. Orrt Vtm Aiken.

Mi-'KINNTKY, Cna.h Make, alia U-i i uritlrr, No. 4A0 Urondway, New ula'iri to Inlorm hll liaiiy (iittomsn ai tliu Runlli and South weal thnt, tlit lr uiu1 oniinixla ion, lie hae laid opened a enuh Rppeelt'ry it No. 84 Common attest Npw Icnoa. where ila air nt Will orrhanla. Ifa Tl irnowr-ioui" i Tenia.

Ms'. Pl'al Texao, Untie, mron.c i-ore Hyi-a, Mlirj worm or inwr, Scald Head, attilMrrem n' and Pa 1 a of the Bonea and J'lnl, Mubi-orn lloera, djphMH Synip. torn', ak'tatira and iai and Die aa-en nnrlnR from an liijndlrlottts Mt or MuTUiy I Ac toi or Dropay Biiioaure or Impi ud io Llfr. Alao, Chi on'ct'oB-llllniiuiial Dtaonleia Id be bj tha fro. paralloii.

The modi iPtom inbmll the mtbtic the ToU' Wlne rert TUB WAMHlMUTOSf HKMKDIKS. PIRKLY VKtiCTAliLE. ANDKVILLK A MclLHKNNY, Cotton L. M. Kennett, John S.

rhelpa. A. Ruat, A. a Greenwood. A.

E. Maxwell, P. M. Bel', 1 I'. XVBIIl, W.

W. Boyce, Alrimt ler H. Stevcai, Geo, Unwell Cobb, II am Warner, M. J. Ctawfurd.

Paetor aad oeaaaiiinaB t' tend te all order -hum Dealcra an may be In wnt of any article In bit line, torn aa ramaire, nngtn Ha no Th. hi ft hntiaa of wlilrh he la at liead In boles WINDOW OLAttS P.Biteh aad ABaartciB. IM ffrwn MATCIIBS Aaorlad. Tbeaa Bamrdlei. dnilng tha brief period they h-tve been I Oeo.

S. lion-ton. Ala. ADAMS A Cotton Factors New rk.tnd the faclili la which he ha lu Ihe MIL1 ILES. barrolaTANSEHS' OIU boAira tha pubile, have anreeed- In wianiug tbrlr way Into I Biilveraol arcepititloa, Mono of tha mml reuerkabla curat I aiereuaaMa e- narlt tnnuu ecimiiig oi ini a I nun tn tpii'-( win t-iiau'ii- hlii tuthntock lil Branch Rttpoaltory at New OiU eatr from a hithly rpunpf tel.

a cure made by ualug will alva ti rfi'ct iii'ncttim to hi mat rout tuitoiuata. aver alkcted tbiuagh tha agency of medlrlna kav- Ha Bow't Rvl. 1i ptiMiahed moptMy, fill page.1 tm Wabh.KWj City and New Orlaana. Pilr( It par initum. Hj OITjTsTaNI) OTHERS Wean" J.

nexd l. tt-r J. M. Wreann, th wrl' ki.ewa thalrpiapaithvuafBattaraniiai oLEMORlJ. fcURIft CoUon Wmacttrntiiamml Hon ll.reli.aM, o.

l0ranI.UI a-ikt'it regaida ttle, uatailal and Ice. iada by their Baa eaaea glwa up as Incuiabta by lha aioat I Heaana. A. B. D.

Rapm n-nl'i roco My little ri amlnpBt of the aaodlral faculty, I No. Omnmii atreet, Nr Or rest. ISM bnxea LEMON 8YRDP. IM gross 8U0AB LEMONS, II caw WHITE WAX. IJ barreli CURCUMA Light.

do. VLAXRKED, do. do. around. II do.

MACABOY NMTP-lB Jit. ADDITION wi flipioil for a lorn thn With Mure II ad aud, ard by IdVut of the MI-lMlint Mnnl liirin r. do, OLUR. do, MA DDR It, do. COPPERAS.

AM doasa GARRETT'S SNVPP. IBM do. ROOUK8' do. ki.rrels BNCPP-In Bladdara. IN M.

R. MM bales good qua Ity Meal wanted, lorrarriaei, ln roar ha innarlila waa 1 frrilj iMoGRKiOR ALLOW AY Cotton Fao lha VVeefaiagtoa Baoio'ilea era four la nnmber.rlii The WaBhlitfton Pnrlflap cb. jna X'X tan art BarMin lla baelnC foOeo to ie(leitler. Having "eod it and tralad ttttftVart, I now ronl nlly rerommend It In RttnkHitin, r-iBiiot fill tocunviiic tn 1 ol tho Intnii'npf and puperlorlt of Coi.kaN Pa. TKNT USUULATOltV COBN ANO PIAUHlNO MILLS Oeaa all other mill now before the puidip I live MiiflHPippI CrmfvtliT, B.i It ton, JAih II.

lUl' tJeed la ooanertioa wit JAGIC CORN AND COB MILL, pn-rerenoe tn any ulnar, a ft aetii.t to poa tunj-Ttl-a nut n.Diala In any other pu pxruilen and I ttnd II 1 pur Tha AVaahlngton Salve OAKKY, HAWKINS 4, Cation Knc-nnniUMBHiiH MR.W'lii,KA4lOuond.h-tatrM. PATENTED U'lH lWfc riiaana alter tlirf ae na iniaria-nj- wim nme whenever ihey rea, Ire a for wblcu Ibla W. P. Npw Oilfmi. Li.

Will eft-et radloal nm IB all tha Wuret IBrBia of tbc fvnow lag dlaoMoa MiDVUBiu-tnud. EeaiwilliUly, rome, HIi- We purr in I of you ine ot yarn- I ln-h redo- jadW 1 Mill, latJitip, Lu- rrlmllii com, and have iMIl 1 for that imnin-e rver "luce with great aiirc -i to ourvrlv PILCH ER, GOODRICH Cotto rwtm Mi H.roliu.1 M. .1 Owo.ll mn I. rLLUUK. and aMhlacilou to oni ulomere.

luttc-d. 1 hue UciJe 1 1 ciMtom a yrraler diatanno. Vie bad been tftiig in old lhlo'icd Burr Hock or xrlndlnir Tli mill run 4W tlmra In a niiuui Our miller wtll net mil. li II will vrlorl li, Preparad aud add by A. D.

ANm, Umeil-t -ndmeraU 1M Pultan atraet, cor, of William, New York SoldalaBby PICKLNS itreet. HYMV, A ronierttiiiial ittirt at a. J. CO 0i. itraa at rot.

and H. at t. POPE, ELLISON Coramlmion and A lai Kt. and conipleto itock or DRUfiamTS' GLASS WARB, oT ihe molt approved atylss. GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES, PKENCM AND AMERICAN PBRPCMTRT CDROICAL INfcTRCMKN TB Prom the beat maaufartoriea of Bag) and, Praaoa aad America, PAINT, TOOTH, HA IB AND NAIL BBUSHCj Ami all attic let batungloff to the Drag Bnttnaaa, PURE WINLS AND BRANDIES Ab tsatulaatlott of ILa Slock aad Prlcei rttpact fully aolk-ltcd.

R. B. WH LOCK, IMPORTER AND WIIOLiALE DKUOOIKT, 43 Maoaximi Btkebt, B0T3I Wl.u roppoflts tha A reads Motel, New Oilcans. We think, bownver, having timed It ft ruupntl-. 1 S3 bnali.

1 ir hour 1 a fxtr 1 but alwkia tJ MoGREGlIK A Coimnimioo and when In gn.p II will grind IU at Ibe pretent 'l-ueis, I and If it wa 11141k lo run tie time la a rilnu-, whkb wo BCROPTJLA. LEPROSY, ALT RHEUM, SCITRYY, BYPHIIA.IS, RONE PKLON, BCALD HEAD, TETTER WORM, ITCH, RING WORM, OLD BORICS, SPROPCLOVd TJLCLRS, mehcurial diseasbb. PILES, ERYSIPELAS, PfSTTJLA, I'ARMP NCLE', MANGE, CUTANkJUd ERCPTIONB ROIlJ. ll. "'j P.

P. Dt'lVNURaitrdaati-eat. Mew Oileaaa. OiliiK about the HKhl -a. It Would gitud 4S.

aud the 4bm Hie will! jtnnd" the Iwtter th meal. TH. CAPITAINK, Forwarding and H.rHiMI, In' 01r ot tnnA, he en 'r the mill eoniltia In the fact thai VMFLOVMENT FOR ONB THOUSAND A PKHHONR. Wnii'd, Aiceiit' In every Toiiniy In the 1 bBF aaaaaEEf. the un-iil Itbti id laUfs cm) ae me al svet rrM.

nw, lc, H. II i rno.i. mi imikii. tn led i-li, to aell. by aubMTtplloB, aonia al the nioat nv buve 110 fi ai iu recommend In ic ymir Mill tn tha TH0I TH.

I VO.K. 4, VOSli URO HI'MIH, Comtniwion Mur poi'iilar BOO Kb publlabed la Amuilca, auioutf wait will be foil put mo il IujIMIoiib, It he I a meclmnlc, 01 lift uiiy laiowlp'if ul A CARD, HOWAROU nratwmo HBni.rinR.enntainininiiaanN-iiv- 1 mill. Ine mill grind about a tulru more tnn vmi cid Your oht. Pliant. J.

M. Wtfr-KJAI. IBI, ana prvi-enuiiona ot civai taine 10 eTeiy TO ALL WHO I'SH L1Q.VOR. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. And dlteas arising ram lapiuUlesof the blood.

Al l. A MoilLV, Cotton Col. w. p. Celruiao, Michel atrsst, Orlcaaa, La.

la the coBttrudlon of Hit MAGIC MILI the aMc-t of the Ifl uncut jMjcr. aim 11 iniiairaiinna. riiow, m. Tba Wasbingtoa Pailrlractt wtib groat eflsct oa all die- niaai 11 Paaiara ad OommlM oa tferoaBia, Ko. II Union nut ucen io mm tic in's'n aim duiNlillity, who BIIUIHKK MAH41N.

THkVlrtrriT RTDBR. SI. Oaaoa or trragulantlee of tba Live. K.Uuyt or Bowalt, BOVU litem -iid plninll. iiy.

all of which baa lo-en fut'lv PLANTATION ANIIGAHDKN J'EHTIL- r.EHH. The HUblt nber ha COintjntl on hand the lot. 1.1 A NU WIUTIXUtt OP THK SivV, LOKENXO DOW Afl aevaral Veart eaperlmt-ntlng fa the man fa tnilag of I cnmpliahrd. TIiIp ful II, of very laccnt InvenlSdn, pot-ie X7KQm. A LI.

K.N' A Cotton Fao- din. I fnrtiinatvl nuctffin In the ju.u l4i in niflkitit near arvy or all of It pi odea- or for the griml The Waalkliigrtoii Itttenmatle RemcdleB lowing concent ratod MaNUK trial of which wlB wra aad OaniulMiwa Marcliaiita, Mo, Ita Omtiot Ayi PWitJT MOW. 5. pTlWaJtS OP KUKOl'K AMD FAU. OP BKDABTOfOU II III.

iur ni ruin ami com for trie trading of nil kind or tock. cove I tta annfacinrt by wlilcn it waa deprived or all arid and lutt.iMmeioiy piopeitU', and mnde.ed por'vctU INTKKNAli AND hXIKHNAL, iv.ito mo moat tlielr vuliis a a tenor er of tility to worn out and liich- adiioi'iliou to point nf ilmpilrlty, dim. LI Illy and eaue of opi-milon, II If uiirqualctl n-qulrlng lc powr to oj pmlo It limn iti) Are InfiilllMe enraltw Ib lha lubjolned d'aaaaei sad all of a AHNOID'R I.KOTtTRM OH ANTOIIY. PIlYWIOIXHJ ANU HIUIKNK. ltliut rated, and Bllod Willi auludblo vro- larxplyihe piodueti of ihuLaiden and Orchard.

aim i I ii nature i er mm cipiai capacity, out) note only being 1 work the IftreJt alr.p. Mnuaroiirt lemimonUI fem gtrnilcmcn tho triad them My miinurertnry at Schiedam, Bfo'l nd. Aftor aeveral inonlha' fl, lion what 'It iv I', I hiticdn -d it to the Am. rl -a puhllr and' the 1 ami tif Wtihr Ri A'r-iuatl Hc inap Schla ii.m Ip the nnnie nf the plate In Ho DR. 8.

GIJ.BKRT, Ha rtumd to bis aid Bear Mempbla, Tana. Sod ro-opei'edhto will remain ptrmaneBlly. Ho treats of the following hronlc dlpto'ci Oenoara, Brrofula, Wh ta Bwoll-Bii, Tumora and Went, without aurglcal eratl n. He a so treats nil ahmnla o-m taeaaee Tetter, Sore a of tndlBg, Rkauma-lam, Byphll li, aud merru' lot dl'eeace every grade. Dr d-e me It anneeoe-ary to aay more, a ha ha living Witnooca from Maine to Oregon.

JattO ImlpAoSnW KALI II DEPENiim UPON PUK BlXiD. Thlo au i aC'ld ilood cm not aecreta healthy lie, and Uia eiora tba tint ihinc for tboaa who are Ay.peptir abould ba toeunn ence lha of their blood. BUANDRET 'e PILIA laat aciunB, btve bi en 1 oeelved, all ol uttt jacur lu a)iug Thii ailU te 4Ju well adapted for grludinr moal for famll) a-. Imenta wars aalialactoii- mud ctoBt.Lka HAH or, 'lie inaim-y 01 mreia 7. n.

CYCI PEIHA IIP If ivrijRy. liluatrataaV M. DR. KAMC'S KXI'ROII IUM. Bfl.

A LKX. LKVV A Law Bookwlkn fond their anticipation. The capacity of the Maglr Mill depends, fn a meaenro, oa I nd wbre Ibe flln I manulartured A'nnJlc I'ctleeait- II aad aui'oarra, Mo. Camp atraal, apnutito Ike MHKUHATiaM, BURN LUMBAGO, PAINS IN THE SIDE, INPLAMMATORY SWELL AHKKIt AN LiWVKM AND MVaMMBMB NAN'S FOBl uanierrnint lt tan juiilo whf-li li flivoiod and the wort hi- 11 a I lh flt-i-nian for di nk 1' 1 'AMU BUMaiA lo. 1 Will K'lud liont to 5 buaht-l" per hour pi I I to 19 Tipie or irnn and saviour jkivh chriht.

dram Wnife'l Hcliled tm A'omatic Drlu. No hooiio. bid my VGA IT A Pul.liHh.T8, Book- AMY a aaliaf I IS to neaiwoeo, wwhuiiv iiiuatr iuo. II IB Bum co. run- -tallonera.

Dealera IB Bank pub- SPRAIN, PhOBT BITE, CROUP, CAKED BREAST, BHPP JOINTS, BIIPP NECK, hard lumpb, co*kimactko hike1, PALYMIB. Overs for do altl nai'k. niuea an 1 ertee-. M. llahaiaof ln New Oileana Ulieiiory, Ma, 4 Oaaup airaat, between and Cwmmon alraata.

nut II Ho and rii'Ud. Iphl. rt rted In pnr-nit wllb mil tl Hlounui -tuff under v.a-onm UHiuca mm (lln, Rchl-- rorxueny unu, w. si.f.h, 1e3 31 Corner ofMuarlne nod at Ana aiao a gieoi vaiiviy ti wouaBeona rnuncaiioBa or a eery pof.iilar rhar-icleri PawphleU, MuVa Ac, wblvb are lam nnapp, trfii(iun inih ilou Uln, Lo Ul die I ellllappa, Ac, A- and areral ea in B't only pnHfy, but tby m. ke iba blood rteher, aud add thorn prtnt lpUa apon wbtch Ha power to rvalrt dleraas do- A a tuple of any of too ahnvo Hooka will be aetit GUOCKKIpX tvROCfcluILS I but- XIOC'tFPi-J PAINS IN THE CHEAT, MUM PB, OOUT, NEUUAiAllAi itiijinu, In burrsla of about 2M pound at 3 tent per pound, MTHfK PHOI'IIAIti OP LIMB, Ib Barrels of out 2 rent- pt-rpoaad.

COARSK OUoUND KUMU, Ib bam-la of about nr 1 01111.1 nt lirf rrnn per peuuA PINE URiH'NO UOSlJf, Ib barrela of about pomme at cents per poundL pntuviAN or ANO, la sacki of about I pouude 3 catt par pound. P. UDithTTE, OrdeAorrasdNlgiitrtnd, 91 isper bbt LAND PLASiUlt, At 1 Tl par barrel. Alto ROCK ALT, In barrela ol about IM psuds at I east per pound. ta- Onl-rn by mall or otborwlee proroprly attendrdts, A mg fnnher p4. ai. I diiertloui for nx tbu aluve Prtll'xen wi il be eent bj UaU ou Iks ntccial II. oi rerpipi or in pi ice pre-pun Kiwi a fn I 111 It my Bo.ika, with wrmi, t' Aaenm II tmatli-d oa iaii n-i ti 11 tn-, iscny linn uei, nim nu'y na ad'l-uon of.i lew 1 it-e nl al avoid of th-j J.iw, COHSON A ARMSTRONG. Hluii.m-m, Pdatan aad Bkaak Book HaauJaetarere. No.

6t Camp atteot. both KELT A STETSON. Stationer, Blank MattMlaeiarutaand Job. Pi iitti No. Cip ton ba 1 VA do.

application. Atlili-e-o H. at. UI.I'-ON, Mlutoparat'oni, with twee --ful eff-ct, ar the p-rulUillyof i.uscn sorted tjUjl'tlci, BOO rue PICK 8, gxllnn, and do, uuatiuu rnuiiauuia- nuuea. in am 111 ai rer.

L'llirlkinall. Ohle. BRUIsta, In a'l catwa lii wbori Rttenial htlmiiUtloa Is required, no HKD TOBACCO, li Ultai UH nuiUB H.IIIHIA B4.11I iL I Hil 14 andre h' PI la. Now that we may oon asp el geul Hpiing, it I of araat importtpea that a tew doeea bs tw- by tbawlae. Our raco ara auhjeei a reundaneyof tlat.

fe hi Sin or 0. Bt'LIBitr. PhLad (Mi la. car- tally pr rcd a hi on mv-I' 1 ur- hiuri I und ur nd a larir' qnui'l'V has be-'n i urruafd by tin niu.cnnt i ibn tiouthi ru and Wt alt i Mal-P on account of lha he pnt Ot thu anlc'e. A mur.

bant who pull liat. liidtivtt ib and Ly tlllti lh pu iuu rl cloa 1 a who piaaurd tba oa 1 hot eo. ry rcpectale rill urn who vln- ihe b-TIh of I a 00 m. nlt In le Iip liVia -ve III aid ma In etnedy ran Sual tha Wuakiagwn Bbtuvalls Ointment. bile at ihla aeeaen, and la ae dan emnaa- It lrt'Valenl Tba Wasbtugl'iu Remedloa will la ful buy it-wad In tb WANTK AMitn hi evt'iy County il the bulled Bt itra ml Cinad to aoll uo ol fbu nwei JB.

8TEKL. Law ruUli-ner, HtrnWlfcr, a aad MUllauar oil, rfeirntiAo and a boot Oleaa aai aad Mtorarr Wmka 0 ea Prmtir bat andteth'a Pi la -B-rd an laveluah abd eSJcle pro- following Vw -priced paykaoTea i Tba ealoo and Olatt.ant In Meant and fl jar lha Porfwr and I trrmal bemedy ar ppuler Niid ut ul Hintorleai oko ol the af en ItU-d a a ter r. aau ainatreBt, Bovtl ol a poaUg any one dra tlnx It. HtirumatlaiN aia put up la bottle at II and ft. I VI.

I B- I- 1 a wr 11 1 I It I AOKNT AND NoDKHX. on and aluic th" unscr ipu oat merchant wh, for tht keofaf wte t. will put nt Joorurd thn ilvetof th, jeas oa l.vw U.V. LIIWIHiK.S MnjrattlBI tl et. Por aaJe, whokaal and ret II, ot the DEPOT OP THE cnmmuoliy in be livn Sucb lueii ehould be nailed to Pnrmlnr a cot Hlstort' at Din o.tai-y 1 oalebralod laMItu tlima.

pei Hon, place ami ililiura, wl boIIgoo of Ine urowai oeilo Br Ibelr oMasloael HM, we Movent Ihe Collcc'W llioes Imp'irtUct, wbit-h, wbeB lu -amVIent tju intiilet, cju much dauT-r lo he Ana orvani of tha t'oroach tn bowel a. They ioiB re liver compUut, dytpepaU, loaa ef appetite, pa In tha head, bear -Mi a. pain lo (he breaal bone, a den eotitva eaa. la lu ef, Bra' drelb'a P'11. work the! way to tba very rooia ibe cleansing In ITI LTTMOHEOYHTKKS, Iftall boxnaHTtKCANHl.

281 SPERM CANDLKH, New Redfo d. iJSctaoat'H MP OM.0 I) EH, IDS do BBtNDYPttl PIKS, do io ti nitiKs IftOi) kj and 1 boxeaHA VlSOi, 4MM MO (' Pir PRUI IM, as do JKi l.iK a JAMS, aetorled, 3S do I RKUVKi, 4i, 80a dm -n UR KJ1I 5M kPi: AIl.W,APt..rtedNo,, ISO bid'. Ol RYE WHISKY. IN do OLD UUUU. OM WHISKY, alio WaBHINGION No, IM Poydra at rest, Ntw at ate uf Hie uiinriuaJ i-itlea.

coimiiiea ami klua'oma ul tht' COITTHKRN RAISKDFRU1TTREKSJ221 tJ ATK01.IH EN I'liHtM I have twciiy varieties TjT Of the mot dell lou Pi OCh, EiKliah, Be giall Hlid An.PlTB Pear Ti ae fcti-d 10m er an baudied varietki 1 Prl e. 10 cent ee. ui ir IIS. TttOn. L.

III I K. UaMlit aud St tloaer Law, Nediral, Nine-laneuun Hint Nchiiol i WriUajf Sot P.iwr kiada i Q.iJlla, Steal Vn and ataah Bowka, No Mi Canal ttrtrt. botii NORMA UHkH3lIiT I.luatraUHl IV Ben, tiatraatBM. Ml llourry nf the claaa rVhool iooftp Vlaitlnic and W'-d'tln i -id, Misraved and prtntt-d Priaiiai and adiug Me. 14 Ounp atml, uudef City Hoiol.

known wo. Id to wlilou la ed iud a 'hiono'ol' morBbie event, aura ut aokra, volranic a mepii ory 1 ex-cruian. Ol LPE'B hCHIEDAM AROMATIC WTIVAPPt, I la ma le irom ba Ivyof lb" flu at quality, aalct-iPd Wiib C4ie fio 1 of tUc in te'ebratcd grain growl gdlat let Is Hi n-i wi titr c-u tbvaio-netlr ji.nlp bt; of tdl), and la recilttc by a 1 uliar pniiv Pt, WUlt et' I mil ihe iidiil irt itcld Dart clo. aturnia. coiifkgraliulia, dl-eeve fan.

lite, luvautiona, (ll-eeo MICKLEJ0RN A Hrlo P'-ot-rt-toto WRIOHT A aud a O. Wt KJDM AN. 31 varUliet'if An, If, a mi of them fine BcaihtrB riown rlt't, bolt ax, I rati lee n-Hlem-nl orlijlB relKltnu mer ell iHintiatril oxtiltli-nti and acoiupauled by aboaull Por tale a' to by Jai'M-lydAW I vmltiUa, 4Ud allot tLt vary btti ceala aee.i, ur IIj bi ful rol' red rlia.t or tn vndlnm. so. Ah a menu- of p.

piunliii aud cor.ectluit Ilia dlMet aaable, ailet pm fit rVaidK-a. of tm mnat kind In A taree atork of Snuff. iii, Mustard, Starch Hilt il4ik tbdt ahould b' IB the bnnda of all readlna neopa. It Will Be aold wholly by auhac ipiiou, with tbu ex- B. AM KM Wb-leaie Dealeia la known world: If.

cn i ea-h I3U per 100. cyh up, Ink, Him kliifr, Pmpii- (wiauiitni an THK BT. CHARLKh BOOK-STOKE, itiuaar plant o. be CatawtM end laabells Grapat oeuon at aui'pif rnjtn wmcu win oeaeui iuai prt-par clcpf. Plat Ing t'ariit.

Lead I'em-I1. kr.ia 11 aciill. Hal Lhiwb a Ix a chaiiue of w.itoi 4 vIkIisII.jii to which uveler icttler, and all uu. Hniv ii'i iu Ihe W. tl, ihi ou an 'be IhiniiiWw' i-ro nwuli 1 ly I emit ta per IS a- andar lha M.

(lu leaBJlutel Clump PuUtulltiua, Bouka, i4aluat 4 htoiU, ImllKO, Manilla and MAM-r. -iiiult ir. Pirn. FRENCH, GERMAN, INDIA, BRITIHH, tbalr p.sevg, removing ev ty unhealthy ar umu'Uoa, lit1 lha blood punk Mi a a alem miov. ted and the fum tloa and dulb-i of Ufa neonma a plevure, where bcio a ha had be- a aad wewry burden.

bavj tbonauadB of alinlUr Uatimonlala to tba following, a- d-ucb vid nca can be badoom llvlux wIluutallaioua aa, aa voiyal te. la rou a g--olltmB of blefc ro-pecta-bll lv, wboii letter eaa bs eccu at tba punclpal olBce. Ht i Ite I I am mow fifty-two r-ars of age. a a Poi twaniy eirs I have usd yo lla a my faiitl medl-. cine, and I wb no her, and I h.

ve never hud oovmiiwB 10 any pa 1 mi uiutpi maim tw no i ceipi 01 aw. A Hat il my Bo ike. with tanui tgunta. will made OS I will Train tiia Uoet to sacroed well In any part of tho A om-itlri'rta mnm wld he ft. mid abo ulfly lufa ii whll.

II. aa til-v im a I Ui ru Kl.l. clli iatid kbu! ntuipA. iKaiin. irt, in USX MBtl use, Iran bt 1 1 Ir I Mtt-kce odtlh, Buck.

W4nbuuiua, Well But kel, Tula. apn I 'ati'iu. Auortta m. nuu ARREN C. WORRELL ft Book.

i A Xn hey ilpeu tmm May urn ID mbei, aiid acvcral si tliem fpi-t sinw iti n.inii mi-jib nmmmmtnmwfm, no, nipMff UOVII ((l grT if b-irocil, 11 1 Lb hidli bl.dd.-r d-p p-la und gin tut d' idlliy, tl la is-otnm ndd Uioat enmhail a'ty Py ine tuuit Weil Ibruuxlioat liie utiro wlntar iu iJl imrta ai iko Uin i leteiTcra from tbr W-t of I d. Oil. AND AMERICA UllY OOODS, No. 89 atreot, No, 14 Bank Place, MfW OH LEANS, Candle-, Nt rvh, Iip. ao, Butter, Ucl, Dc n'a Willhiri-'a 11 -h- al KTlFiCATE Fi.OM DpLWaRK.

Vy Marrl. ta, (a. kfeiaiB. B- A PaliUeto-k A Cu nlii men 1 laul It in I JC. MORGAN, M.ilical and MiHcdla MMlKlUr, atrh.f.

dMir lo Rllvl, i' ky, A willed we will II low for r.ah 01 good cliy Ul lie (Jida a will bo nronml flllnd whan toft ord rlf-g trees, Mhnuld nt St whet time of Ul limy them 10 il-n. iiiptly tittiHid. to, nd tree ihlpnrd lo SB Il apulU'ilnni'4 an pint bot le-, In ee of one doaen. 1 the of the iindoi clii. on tbu twillo and cork, nd my duty 10 yov, a w-ll aa the ptihllr, to Inform ti ol the wnn tutu, oruruiti ou to city or uy ut m- ol Hu clilt a fee lnn iIkD 11 a ml 1 4 lie null spiKiielaii In Bt laniily (a In tnaulckaet- ef my lt put of ihe South; aud moaey erut by mall tt ui rUk.

Aa- W-JttMelIllioattentioB of the rounlry and cl'fUadut'- Hond' Tltil Rfrt your I11V luablo V- rm fi'go hu 01 Biy Hill by idi ii ui't-mis nrl' and conntry Mer- iiiirwM a hai. -ra. latl'l a Cnunon t. dmi. Oik' wa- takin il, aho lime xiura, ml 1 illifd la their Itrge and varied aa.vtnie it of aban la.

WOl.Vf: GK03ERS. W-Uicii Id en) dm I ttic twenty ycitn." 1UUH MI-DI I AL PKIN IPI.E W. H. IM'KPOKD, Elm Grove, lo County, Miss, sr ai tn. (ji ivcinu nv -r i my Umlit phyalrtan, Or.

J'di" II- fe at, A lor an W'Uiuu cihI ihe neee lo art I id in woin. aul Vreola MprliiK ami anutuier Goods, Ter extict bio d. Blond la tha life. Rt a bt tracing Nt II nl ti UtiMr tl 1 York. Wh iiasJo sgenU tu Mtw Oruaue wiio ull tba sauuim-tlrla 1 OP THE WOMB.alftprlngRidse.

Hind Couiily, Mln. I DOL (jLASS lilM lVN 4 (,0110184 ha cb rector of H'-b la eo ni eeliaart.aie iha' i aivarKa- pt rtnn aiurk-a vfirnunrje. jirter ine -111111 me ARTHUR (irownj, No. HT hinniltntilaa at eat. null in painful dlaaaaes you may orosioa tha peUanl I Dr U.J.

HuLMB UielaatOi E. J. HARr A on Wl.oltiale Oroctri. nji wnoivli Of 1 IH and ton 'own inibar tbu otes la o- t' a raduetlou ur isae Ing ai of ua Statu went ruubj not rapraasnt th saUat en ar or lha la-du'ftnant oowrvd to purchaara. Wa tan, the re ion-, onl KAION IlKNIJKRMjN, at- uif-aaca hi me w-uuu, an.i by dicovrrlea nONVKItSE Uitiirral Laud Ajeucj Offlo A Wholennltt Groct-n 'IuiIhk lhal 'line, w.lcli are it mi v.

only to IiimNtH, plcdgpa tela, opposite power feel. Anl by Uiua uk aw aata a'l toola, may pr voul bar em fully lepairlng the revugee ef tiUlai 1011 iiv Don A Wand Doale a tn L'qiui Tubcvo and Clfni ror- aellclt ttis atloBtlna of buys', sad aay io eia thai we art prepat-od to do tbeui Jut lice la tba Hylli of 1 in ittiy vmpo 1 nmy 00 picatiuieii to mm, iiiouuciid Incurable by ulhei uuiflclau. teuuutii'. uiilv. um! buy, -nil, lm, (wy I Met, obtain tanu.

aaen a lew miaa, 11 uiarnarg aj ninpn ininiiui riny-thiee ol Hie Brgext Win nit I ever aaw In my life, and In the cour-eof Ihe ud evening bo dlet-Burgud U-t ween a tjuaii iii u. If a gollou ol 'art i' norm Iniitit dlatoly got wHl, and I enjoyed gaod health ainra. baa bud a o- ft. Willi Ibei (Jil dieii. You way lbK ceHIIWate for tba 1 an fit ti- put MHJCNRVUI I Sold wholeat'a anlrrlill by nil tiia I'liuciMtl diiuctatK loepltd.) gaie uu Hilen lo li adl n.attdcoBvo I who mUht o-li-liave rulbta'cke of a few days ev wetka Imo a chronic aflectlOB of uout er HOI.MKS Grocerieu, Winn uvl U.i'iort, No.

11 New Uim it reel. Boi Utid i uy, tv uma located. Kuu riDlea the tnvu-licatlcn an I uarfaLilon al Land Tl. yats PUKOIbO BY Ml-ANN OP RRANDRETH'd PI LI ui no1 lot it now prvired to cur sn-idml dnring pail a rtthin, VI-co, jltial.Kl lu a and I aruraiiou ol the Pei inuini. Knm-uod dpa aa bo baa luads aiauy cure llmi were con.l leinl lucniabie.

Bit, bv JudA-ubbarkay audOovernor J. J. HcRao Jacron, ot.tlS-'M Hif He in any of tbc Slate- ids I nir.n. aadc unl i men-aanlalu he Duned Mat a. Tha ta I ho eana bleh wiib na aro nature' B1LXX, EOUE-i, Wit Ml OOtiDM, LACES, HOSIERY, KiniiOKS, B1IAWLB MAN flLLAR L.

JOHNSON Groom, cornet a kUaalwa aad 1 oyd' treeU. iw.ell TAMI-it II. DUDLEY, WUulcalu Growf, No. I homilt'tBlaa treat, aoell bind of i-iaui agalm-l ti blt. oi the Uutied Mais.

as dy, -a tact. Wbea aa idau, acui- or palB oo- Will pneiioB in iheConr. daimt, to eltentiou i oBr-. ihaa, to laue a arl you mutt take a medio! na tha i dull new At. Till 11 1 KM.

ulnin UHia.i to finm em bufo.e 111 as BID. oootiHp ti a 1 A. IKPP A Al.l EN A tONVR-K A HMim A 1U.4.B, 'mm ter of Ac, A. A II UU CK, WbuKtak Ufoctia. Tl A C'i PAYNf-, TKKI.

A P. UOKI.KM, Brno I'ci, WRr, Ac, JOHN T. IIOO A buUaelti (iroccr. J. 1 JOUNM'IDN A I'll JIM.

'i. A KH A 0ft BltLOK A XI -I MH, J'HMalONACO CDY A HO uR Ur udlee, Winre, A. Hai. KpMP A rtt Wn i.m-. r.

BUNNKI, A BAII.D-KP, I'emin ttton Merctiaata, o. Wi'on an. WNol te a a.gUt. jonv whiuhi i 00,, JA nKri W. lilJiUb, C-wiimu itrett, -SmiilpiiA will oy panto.

Thee- mult b- ua suldjr- k4l yiug, be- HEP RIO ll-adiof Di-oaitmeiil, Au-Un ty, Texaa; lha MtaV 10 000 ACRKS COTTO LAND lJJJJ Hgl't S'LK Ttie landt are in IbeX conniln of Wa-htng mi, Ks Ivsi aiidhu Fi otter, wltlilu us Hctoi ibe and rlvur, widi gitavi r.M 110 the rlvei, an con Unt natigailon by cVM'Wi mi puts laat nay ba tL AS. RTN Grot-ens tuitl Cora" a'e IQB Mereliaata, Ma. Waw Uvea et. to slowly In ihe tmth. npn diifi' lufl-'-O to ttlu jV tad jwitt tb- aola'Ue ad a oilii cfl.

ei tu the inucu linlu ol lb win pl) Into lh oncbil, aHay- I'umiiii) 1. fit. Hon, ni nWe. rt I ef In olda, Aathms, a. .4 Ihe var Tlirnat AJTa iiuua la ai.

er ot tnclpaiOmc 4IB auara.k tiding, 4U aad 411 Rroou- tiua iiwt atlpawn rt eBiatlv a md reuator-. iuC'iiKfe dad oar itock of rn T'a tb- I SK A Wlllll. 1. Wey. i- an I in ii a il Jthii KOUriBiowa.

1 Ua n.Tca a An alBeia an- llaUu Comatl.B Urelianu, No. 4 and Prout and Ifi Pul- irw el atitiium, liiuia. Hoiiam-keeping CooIb l-ANNOT BE EXCPLLEO la tha firsat oajicty and ityki antnloti ab "Veiliuw, 1 cSiiaidB-i lu eachtrutt, belw--nn Ulitml" 3:1 dt-. d-g. In tha c.

uiie of Hi cdlun tiv, T-na. May 11 S8. aovtl lyW US6. reili.u. Th i.

I til wcio incai' In A. 1-S4 und uiuoiig in il -it clo tuna Till. uu wit patent. Hi. Hiiveiiimplll.

tlliePI to lha ra an, .1. lo Hlinm pilEI.PS IIRAULU.Y, Gruccn, No. 10 CJFRINa RliKJIC W'ATKIi CURE, llinrlu fniuily. H. J.

UulMt Jr Ui.g luppliesl 01N0HAMH, irruwtbofl I'nnal Kit. Walilnton.l HONt-HtAt TwH-iiha. Wo mi de art from O'li uniuui, aa i ay 11 lit) Bat tr lum it il udRndltanei oil ut pre amlloii, 11 very coiivt-n-inl I'oriu, luritnuht, ld and Mn ronn linear will I ud Uu-lD ludUj-uitaabie apou tilai. kw LveoaLat, elt tnni- ni witn an rapj.uitenjitcsiof tbo nio-t-p el -W, A Gimti-i.) atid Lltinor, (4 ami it HM. ROBINOS flioeer IK In wia-Cuainio ineut, uij itiilnf Hie LMK WINKS, HHANDlKS, nn I da li-no't have uuW oa baud a 1 ree aunnle Jaa.

at 14 Oamp Iran', ew Oil lB', A. M. XTON, ant (mi ik-hii wtile au.loolor Nu ratal. 14 rud to tcCai ami lra labnilna- i.u.lvi at Ai with Ml on the lv aa roatiterfelt, Tbc genuine a ao'd by loapet tablo dealcra iviry wbre. AUEVTH POH KW 0RIJEAN-: 1 dl'OWN A MOKKUB AD D.

Wilh'li Ell Bit M. BVAMR, corner of paarl abd Common itreeU OUGK A HKtD NikL MB RiqDkMi OTiO AiiUil 41E1 baage Placet KM, UUH' comer el Cu! leps aud itieelf A. ft-'ik 0 D. wOH HKAD 1 O' I.IVki La, oraar Poidt 'landSI. Joba tlraeu 1 Unv I dl-e La W.N, LINENS, ORGANDIKI, PaLNl'H PRINTED JACONETS, DE LA i Mr.

LUlLUrM, aal PRINTS, We dfy competition. IBarU-WH eausasy A bon. me in ti i aa. ujjtia, Jaundice, crt.lulu In lis vuiluJ tortus, Cula- M.lii-l.i le. HOOTS, SIU)KS AND UttUliAf! A WlloLbiALE.

tW 1 I aeo'i 1 Now landiuK utid In atoru, 4 gvnerai Mioiluieul el pi i- Pi Ac. ftQ. WILLIAM MBW Y0UK. B-4nujw itenry -tinou. Ot.t DupuyA Co, P.

Umiuu Co. P. II Ood ilAC MADE RAB Ulackb'im-aOld, JefTttton Medfoal Col- SILK AND STRAW BOf.NET it, UMUKKLLAS, PARAS01JI VIZ L. AI LEN 4 Luie ol Thonio-r; 'J' i "o.r. lu, ,1, Ckolv.

Wliw, Lt.u.1., IwUKOo and Cwminu. L. LANIKK 4 tirocew. No. 10 MiW UrM elra'-l.

uoell RFGOODS-lVIIOLESALtr York city. confldPotly a.u a the afflieiad ik.i l.ll uuinaide, OOtaK A a fun atock of all mat itlel. it iiiipriivemeui In autre ru p. a Oca. Dr.


Pem rtl i'-. 'V laipwrten at anl Brl-a to a.LkCTH(t-l'1.A ot the rHMODoaE SKA "1 NO 1 itB4' LOG' 0 ref HavUaal Cl-rata. Ha my. tab ny bi let.i sr uu-t hod treutiiitot. ui ie (llEQIITIi HUILIKI, and every itylo of WU1IK UOOD8.

i'111'i 8 UuroOB, I Wool, Pulin I. rltmw 4Ud Ctnnpecuy UAIbI, a Uia I weal market irlcea, iBMbTT TlP-toN cwuir of us una ai ckaoaala.) for in kuMud Cbmou Btoaii-i aud AlUi STISFACTOr" TV, It LAI NORTH, SMEDES A Import. ol Pureign aud Uoumlw Pry ajodi( 11 gala clival. al lyJdpAw PltlWT A 00,, II ll.iatlni itissl. large let of I oy4i tt.rei.

urof Dorti ra aud Cans' atvati. apll-lwW II A II It A I II i -t dali PORT 'a. I and rmua'i Burgundy. I Jm.ic. New uxland, Domettls Rrandlee I- plnla bl $.

01 ltdlUlloa OaSka, UlK-(d Hwllend ai letfiut eeBj li i. JJATS, CAPS, iuIkiivs le Partlcularatti-nlloa pttld to tllllag Plai-U a' and Cuinbili-, P4nnock'B AT WHOLK8 1LR1 IH I on aimed Vcmlfuav Ion Utn anta ertlera, aud evry lduomaut oSered la rll NKW ORLEAM eon tally recelvlas a general ottiarnt of4 I Gaupkooau'. ai-lO uu lor M.iua A Pt.u.b pyir Booka, Nl.b t-vivtat, Ac, Jeliga lindA Dl ITiON flwj Ihm of BuldiirLle Ha ka A 'eaaa, waa da Ived muiul tiaB on IkeWPriitoaiy. iBI. Th Buiiiaol lit, Arm wll bo aaad In liouldati.iai ha ik.

WH. LKTCIIl-ORI, a ImpurtTri an tu Fundsn nd Domaitu: Dry Milk, Pnr, epiin-ra nam, Ugburu, Straw, Palm, ra pj AV BMhneat 4 b. Ve oij 7 Do'o -le in tui laci. to BBd It OuaaJ Bireot. i aieairaii anu woui ai too "OVII vrya, an pleaaqra iQ ulniE, for Um ui 11..

ul MaNIJPACrUiMN-l (OMfAYar. iu aUixeaifu au i mn piepaed Ui faiulab OAH WRY OIL, Kit' OIL, BK OUT Alt' Dm, tNNkiiV OIL. ItLADK YKbl LUWaT A It KT ijn BI lySdAw PHtfrT A Ou 18 Hasailne ttreat. lat.tliu boil la I know I and t.f the puhllr, onatiftiiH mMt tali.fttc. BLAKKttlH, KEaa.EYfl, JKANS, LlhhETH, COrrONAIMM, IJHN AHUI'OS, ndemlAaej.

J. w. BA inn JJobm H. at AMH4LU Ota. W.

BvacwiT J. M. Uuoi.Ba." 0HN R. MAUSH ALL A DiilSpTln Ko.aiai Ui ram lu em 1.

a one WUDKV-1a Cu'a Old Bye. Mount in Dew Purv tildUiiurbiiB. i Ol ilb, If'! Sclmapp Cieiiy Bmui Mutagu, Turner' nx-r Oou ey'i, Uokei', 'letter' ami S'o vhton Use Maiaae lu Cut Abayntlio, Auiaetiei Chain- we 1 ivu al 1 innimr J. H. BAI IIHIK, IIAMbL P.

apAUKd, PAINLESS EXTRACTION, mP TKKTH, wlO.ont tl.e ue of I'blorif great idavi prkei, and 14U41 In uellty iu sAy of 'hu ra 11 Ihu aa a lu air Ba tlci larlv uv ledta oar I'eek, md effect! a i.a-i'0i. uimoi Uie trca u. of out a a an. a a 1 1 rt-aoU-ly, aud 1 wv it tsfe a l4ide a- a w.Bc a.riouaali tl aa ue of tbu tUe end b.I la lbs u.a. fouoor l.eih.iin.

lAtO tMftNTIIK-U, T'ie under! filed aim in the Hrl to in. UROWX ANU RLIUCUKD SinunNGS AND BUI It TINGS YALE, A and bolt) it aHS ft mHOi.1,Mii; tlcB.w U.M4a, 3J Ur.v.., tl gravlt-S Lou uu PmUratid A a. qua la and; reialvodat I a Mnuf tii In, or al tbr TUV ITI DAttmTAVWtcnTINUuTToOTll tba lt named artie aa oo ftaa ooiao I tea aa fe Otiioioiomi E'hei -into pi-4ctlcs in Hil- cit, ut POlblo io a teuthti-u eoauufavlarera. KW R('K. Hwoo'pbm a-, in am a i I nic wa ptcwr a to ill low ai'd on aa leaeouab term aa any of Import-a In Pil'adei hit or Now I'm all or uudoa lad Which, l.

al aipilc4llnn, ieni'nihe the Jaw thai leutb Oar tarn, aa tuuai, wa laral, and ea-k bavsa e1w4ya II. J. 0. G. l'EI'1'ARI) ft may etl acMl wiiliiiNt pal 11, ud tftp pnlleii' al the hiiw paper.

OnUra wl reesive our Ini'iiodl-ie attention when rtty of 1 preparetton, and Ha auperlortly oear othera, la a(-teeted by Druttau of Uta hlxbott piufaeatonal talent. It la eompoanded aa to eBoetnally el.anM at, 4 whllaa the t.tth, hnoorU'i'A a id tiitd ttt Hunt, J4ul lull ipAWU Uiua lutain mi (lie usual trim. ioun. anl i-owcia ol mind mo Mud u-na tho uan draii i tun or any ol tne Old aod i.l.ll al fht mSt "allillw" "Wl Ul: Vultva otaUa, Arklntaa" ObaoMry, Piss li I uu wblch cuii ho urn-d wunoui the lut putMibiiil) ilLiNO TH' NCOH' f'K COT- noiiueiu Lit tee or auueu iru 'e UN PI. TRIM PATRHi' JUtlo, 01ar, w'tj IHPHOV UBVT I oSlra, tl Ul li a n-i ait 1 a II" I'oydr a ti rt.

Hi, Co 1 nv 1 Her tba 1 hr vl 1 ca uf the auxllty 1 tptibt Itv of puiUcl, to Ibn Iwll.iwlBl unit dealt I tiooi rson wl" ta them prji loall 1 Tid' is a ci rti'i, I iv U- uhbk tuo -ampl" oa 11 'HI niepa ud ar Ubad me ihu rltna Ol Com a 0 out of t1 a a Ibe Irani Engii ee mw run-, lug tb W' rka of th 1 s'lavl le Los Wuk Company, tor Ave ihie qu itn da a and at "to eame I inu 1 ot Idi-an -iile wi'h li Ia Ol', rejkMl auanitUva beln msams into ana when wiueu- lug ai Ihp vi ii-Hon -f ibe I'Ulit me too uuA-of wure li.und eat Iniuf lu a I ouid uoi pr co toy face iu ilia ub aaliu uu HHvi 0 be two THIIMI'MON A IRNKR, (Mi'BCOl Oil nf Tho tll.u A SI. aud li Common atreoi, MI'P-Tl'KE OP YAKMd. Kid OKISIOK U. KNAIT iGentui uiirgfuB, bmU MpiUWly ISA Canal ilrest, Pi op Bat ai onl iine-l th ha niuub oul ad to I a tni number lllne of Chi uf i. ullt PI aadattbeaaua ttwa luian riegiai.o iu it bfAh, earning, alto, tlta eutb and mm in periartly haelihy sou tUtwu.

11 ta warraolod free From euy deUtarloaa lagradiout Pot mm ely at A Cain 1 Btrwvt 14 And at THK UT. CI I UK IK HTOHP, (Juder tba Bt. Oliarlei bVIoI. liONN a ft Hi, Coruor icaox and SITrAT WANTED The ndvertliwr, I PO.f.i a mar I1 atpni ta, bur educated Hi ibs eoutb. TBl.oaa.iloBlaa ai.aei., I d'-Tids I hit Whole 1 fe tn thn mans em BI and I a Bpeeai atteation given 10 tna cdle tle of i-tuima piob.p.ltBdB oUaroed iMTr" Stt 1. 1 liuck' v. 1 uialen, IHARI), ImtmrU'r ol" Fifiit'li unij Jio (nxlll. ta, -ueli rtoOta, Caaalniara.i, all kloda, Vrp Ui.J lira' tttmwlua, raimn i Cbartioo aad itirarlUf aiiieta. yi L.

aoi-IMMITH. A. H'tia. rjOLDKMITH, IIAIIKIt A In at Pi nt ra with if'Hl Im lv lh kr 4 OVUINATION htiiat. If iiPCoaaa OOK, ayt ibe Hi Lap uu bi Msi-lilB of plnaing oui' ii liltie, and be IS BUiient sciiool, .11 tblgue DRUGUIRT AND CHEMIST, MansaTSi of Lleviil.

I rou Wura, biaiiaa' clia i.rt i. in a uia bva'ih an llui ie locullly Iii 'be T. rwuigB eun LMUKani; ui Ooinl, alao Cloibliig, 41 an a tn Ilia Pplaolag ni ua the plan atl oomp i a b. Htmi ur Moulb Ua with mar Niiwi' Is as, Apri II IkAL Uo-iifc V-nil 4 Co. Napuleoa, utw 'ir aa muj irrei.

HuvU ManufM brer of Bl-Ma p'late of tnpor er snd Wiioleialo 1 i. ant sol in-irncte and turn I -hod TRY ITt tnaU-ldixAWf tb ipetliAoiii i uniau. aud toil and Beta I slur In Drugi, Medlcluss, tut ub ci ci a a Southum a uaw rue ion or tub fM-naa the JBURNSIDtl A linporliH or eigo oad Ikqnoatle Iky Ooula, anl alreal. both Out 111. a wll UiV i th- ber, Por Cbsmlcal au I Dyetuff quillt) a I a 4iid -u t'ew ai- M.o.mery.

lu DR.BAAKI Th FAT ALL DIKrtKE PRE OP riltllOK. ugma ami a.uff.! NKi'l'UNE. CltY and Dr. Haahp will a Ni he I'd owl' I i' 1 111 eautatotho ii a mi lo hi ha a a 1 ae.i inu a pio ha ib a tho Ita now w. DENTISTS, tn goo 1 to n'C'enf Rev INE FULLER, fJKNERAL Tex, Kapreta, potiiubo Co 'llnipllO' 1 il Hi', un a I otti.r dt- of th il.n'kne wl I dev le pi u'ar i leu I If 3 EN X-J ttpi uaa, a.UtKia, In ml and lu rn tu lti ir, IM ul Mt Ikluef, mip ii -I-1 Wbi'e ,4 Uid Lead, Uliaiga, -u' reriiaire, Imf-' tho Ho IB Mummery oil, and Imt found 1 good lubi Icaloi aad -m fu ly iscom-nipnd 'I e- aa ruounmi aud iitalra, la aobtlltule fur otnsi mi ot th a pur a.

Ke- it. 1 1A1. B. BKaiA R.CmioiamiUi, Nus. and Pal too, and I 1 out i tea.

JA MS ma It I Ml piwranil cornar Casteailiowisstiasl Mur Le JOHN mi km a a xini rCaitfor' it. UK Wi Kh ux ar Ui ub INnry, fonwr'y at al. 1- Po. i Mi Ll, A arilefo Maker, R.wuart aiiMt, .1 ar I. hu A ims I-" lh.

6 t-4 et. Ula dm low. at aa pin lion ru 1:1 fri th rate a at low Gi i-a Putty, a 'd I na lipo riaa fehuaPu. allnitj AS. ti 1 la by Taioxribb re 14 to ui CuTH'N and I'M "I'l KKI.L.S, Ocntl.l, 161 Canal BWV I He, Mt'torina, Bh.

uuiMtioi, ml Bai umu, me of Masts1 Kch r' Jut 1 a bit and cli on It Npuh niaret. -r nfinmatloa any by IvdaW Oiieaua Puftinu ry, Sh rha, preaevd and la i I thcr )e a-ut al a din I CO fi a'w oa on ituud. AS i tRi ibis H-ruta Of? lll'llll' OP UU IMTM 1 1 I KE li t'B, AITM'La lull Pgo a for idi' m.r oh It. V.u irtm la.u tu th ui Aril t' lip' a sill I Olu a D. 1 I UIi Bt aehes, a s.

Iba Hi. 1 Ilea, a'l eiii it I aud a'ai. tu A liiri wll l-e glvan to Mr. kee a made dU I i rl atiao'p lou malt' Ut Vial to tin- R4 bo ti pni -n mny 1 ia I 'a'a 1 U. KNAI'F, -utibt, lASCtuittl stro I.

limU GJ. f*ckOEinCll-, I). I). 121 1-2 Caeilat let, Unl ii 11.. Bank Baiidtnii-, boH nth 4 No.

Ha' ola Row. "out inert-1 1-'a etici. Ui Ueu. ki. Y'lBg, '-w1 aad Dtiiitl A He ef Ad irea.

nc o. nv ni, um ti PilceCtirreotUfHr Otioca .1 -lidaw til HI t'o AH Wl 'I', llnai a. fn in 1 IMI nW I .1 W. 11 il (HON l-n i.ii.1 wivm a cu ing a mi, i lUg or IMmu a id every I0HN H. CLARK, D.

"S.iiii'l-i Caom iUv fJuloii U.i'ik Uuiidnigr. Ii -tn a. Mwtflt i li th" male ih li a- FCT Woi.TH"REAl No. TIicW ttllUIMN ME iLLlOX PXV yT ansa 1- the oi.y to. 1.

1 P-. ii.MU ticl.i. IB lha figJj United 1 -t-. Il I i'1 -te. sraaal tin.

hiulifc titt; Mint. i.i.i,it fwoj A. HADOK l-u fi. 1 In ou 1imU no. leircuiio H-AtTiv I'O 'l at 01, I wout 1 Paakec lor ihe liaa'DP" aT th I LK.I- Wool ami ALLOW.

11. am ou It n'ly re nlilnd and the a u. i -p ri, 1. 1 UiUp aa pi" rn- pit e. Al my pni'li-e being I C4 I iffo 1 lo -e I Ht V.

Yd 4 on bu I ll'e 4' nd -i. oomni d.ii lc -n-. -id II u- la In 1 count wl flud il to J. a iiil-iii iiti'Hiiri', AH '1 I una 1, 1 otn te II 1 way. ag iv- peom tl I 'H, all tlle aure I Oit by dt uoue 1 p.i tan JU inu.

i iu U. e( t.1 u.i'.tu an 1 tU4i ty ha A. D.IJAItT, Uciuiet, No. ltiiioiiin' I eliveL via It -IV i Kow he I'AlliONd Pi la ajiiicu cb puc- a. 1.

ii on H.tS. 14 ir. I) kr 1. ut and IV i iN Utkt Uga attiit. it ivoul hi (tiiiibUh! advn4 il till n.

IK f'O a' silh and Ivliit au tm-i-t baa ifKii IHa feme i au ia.m pily IM My tn He 'd. latta tdi t'UH Hi ibe (enctotlmt a oiflyci'S'l fium any aiance, mel Hail I. I II TliiiitA itlcle. Va, Ii 1,1 -anl tlf, u. im iViU.

aML line Pui.Tf' 1 Ti.rih iurt I iii (u I in. I LX Wo iuUUltfi at'P trti uia in 'N B. KNAIT, Hi Duioime Kli- ut. K'ch amileic nnitnricS 1 Oil, 411 a uud to it b4 I iua 1 a 11, inu a ai'd lp up 1 (an' "iW OIJ eBta ui lh H11 ru II. UODXAHI auiy, btdity 1 ud 1 1,, ml hi'U'iii'iida 1.

il- W1 il'Hti -k III nii'pily an eivd, ud tlit jiaimn ti -ai -I ir Trap li atme Ne ofrbuig. OEi boUII I In 6 9 1B. BAAAAf, Ho. II Comela'ei le'-l-wmj ftew UiicMM, La, hal it gav aUu a 1 DVKMIM'S ST. LOlTIS HOTEL, cor-, net of Aeonael aud WatitUl i i( Uu.

I Ml Ml- Hf AFtiRlFR, Doulitt, Ti. 167 il REMOVAL NIC.RA'il ORMIOM KNii I 1 ri'oWVSLEV'fl IIOTKL-Now fcoust- Newly Pun.uh il. 'T PODt I'll STRHfT, iL4 ReiweenOhva am l- u-l, l.r.nlt, Vt, Iff WiB t'ALkIN loWM.LEY, oprleltfr, rl.l.lX.MS, M-fcl TJB'ft tt 1 4i I a IB BUllLUilg, Jau II 11, W11 J. PUOO JOHN aUDNSELL, irfllM-aAWly.

The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.